Total number of publications: 170
Nové trendy ve studiu glykosylace proteinů u onkologických onemocnění
Klinická onkologie, year: 2014, volume: 2014, edition: 27(Supl 1)
Proteomické přístupy ve vyhledávání biomarkerů a molekulární klasifikaci nádorů prsu
Year: 2014, type: Requested lectures
Quantitative proteomic approach to study of pro- inflammatory properties of replication- deficient adenovirus vectors.
Year: 2014, type: Conference abstract
Regression Algorithm for Identification of Biomarker Areas in SELDI-TOF Mass Spectra
International Journal of Imaging and Robotics, year: 2014, volume: 13, edition: 2
Second Primary Cancers – Causes, Incidence and the Future
Klin onkol, year: 2014, volume: 27(1)
Sekvenování nové generace a možnosti jeho využití v onkologické praxi
Klinická onkologie, year: 2014
Transgelin function in metastatic behavior of breast cancer cells
Year: 2014, type: Conference abstract
Úloha transgelinu v migraci a apoptóze buněk
Year: 2014, type: Conference abstract
Utilization of HDX Workbench software for evaluation of H/D data obtained from Orbitrap Elitemass spectrometer
Year: 2014, type: Conference abstract
Verification of proteins associated with estrogen receptor, tumor grade and lymph node status in breast cancer using targeted proteomics
Year: 2014, type: Conference abstract