Total number of publications: 89
Can Morphological Abnormalities of Fish Parasites Be Indicators of Environment Stress? Preliminary ResultsXI
XI European Congress of Ichthyology, year: 2004
Liší se parazitofauna hořavky duhové v závislosti na věku ryby či typu lokality?
Zoologické dny Brno 2004, Sborník abstraktů z konference, year: 2004
Metazoan parasites of Neogobius species, invasive fishes of the Slovak Danube River.
Abstract volume of the XI European Congress of Ichthyology, year: 2004
Posthodiplostomum cuticola (Digenea: Diplostomatidae) in intemediate fish hosts: factors contributing to the parasite infection and prey selection by the definitive bird host
Parasitology, year: 2004, volume: 129, edition: 6
Vícebuněční paraziti ryb rodu Neogobius, invazních druhů středního Dunaje
Zoologické dny Brno 2004, Sborník abstraktů z konference, year: 2004
Parasite fauna of European Bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus) under different natural conditions
Sixth International Symposium on Fish Parasites, year: 2003
Ekologie společenstev parazitů plůdku jelce tlouště (Leuciscus cephalus L.)
Produkce násadového materiálu ryb a raků (Hatchery production of fish and crayfish stocks), sborník příspěvků z odborné konference s mezinárodní účastí, year: 2002
Parasites As Pollution Indicators: Evaluation of Indicative Potential of FISH Parasites Using Hierarchically Structured Data
Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of Parasitology - ICOPA X: Symposia, Workshops and Contributed Papers, year: 2002
Size-ralated habitat use by bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus) in a regulated lowland river
Ecology of Freshwater Fish, year: 2002, volume: 11, edition: 2
The parasite community of chub (Leuciscus cephalus L.) fry in riverine conditions
Helminthologia, 39, year: 2002