This doctoral study programme is organized by the Faculty of Science in English and the studies are subject to tuition. There is an alternative option for the international applicants to be accepted in the free programme administered in Czech with the possibility of receiving a scholarship. The study language of the programme is still English (Czech is the administrative language). Before officially applying, please contact us at to find all the necessary information related to the scholarship and see our FAQ’s.
International applicants for doctoral study (Czech and Slovak Republics applicants NOT included)
Submission deadline until midnight 15 December 2025.
What will you learn?
The doctoral study program of Chemistry aims at training highly skilled specialists in five specialization fields of study - analytical, inorganic, physical, materials, and organic chemistry. Training of doctoral students is carried out at the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and is based on scientific research and independent creative activity in selected fields and areas of research or development. Major research topics in individual specialization fields are:
“Chemistry is a powerful charm”
Analytical Chemistry
Development of methodology and instrumentation in the field of spectrometry and analytical
Instrumental analysis of inorganic, organic and biological samples.
Analytical applications and characterization of nanomaterials.
Inorganic Chemistry
Synthesis and characterization of metal complexes and coordination polymers
Synthesis of organometallic compounds and studies of their structure and properties
Synthesis of molecular compounds as precursors to new materials
Physical Chemistry
Physical-chemical characterization of compounds and materials - studies of their properties by modern research methods
Application of quantum chemical methods to problems in structure, reactivity, and molecular spectroscopy
Characterization and study of biomolecules by modern spectral and electrochemical methods
Materials Chemistry
Chemical synthesis of nanoparticles of metals and oxides
Phase equilibria and transformations of materials
Quantum chemistry computations in materials chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Modern approaches in synthetic and medicinal chemistry directed toward the preparation of novel organic compounds with targeted biological activity
Mechanistic organic chemistry and photochemistry
Synthesis of macrocyclic compounds and investigation of their supramolecular properties
The work of doctoral students under the supervision of their tutors is focused either on independent and creative experimental activity or theoretical pursuits. The study is based on a thorough theoretical knowledge of the whole discipline of chemistry. The student acquires this knowledge by completing compulsory optional courses, which are supplemented by the latest information in the given area, and through optional courses gaining experimental technique skills, as well as learning new methods. In addition, the programme contributes to developing the abilities of students to critically evaluate findings gained from literature and pass on these as well as their own findings to the public by means of seminars. Teaching experience is gained by assisting in selected courses for students of bachelor and master programs. An important goal of doctoral studies is also gaining a broad scientific view of the discipline, international experience and language skills, which is facilitated by research stays at domestic and foreign partner institutions and by active participation at national and international scientific conferences. During their studies, student will learn to prepare manuscripts in English. The ultimate goal of this study is to obtain significant scientific results that can be published in prestigious journals and finally summarize them in a doctoral dissertation thesis.
Practical training
A minimum stay abroad must last for one month at minimum.
A one-semester stay at a foreign research institution is recommended in this programme.
Further information
The Office for Doctoral Studies, Quality, Academic Affairs and Internationalization takes care of doctoral students SCI MU
On the department's website, you can find the following information:
- Forms (application forms for state examinations and defences, various applications, etc. )
- Legislation (links to: MU Study and Examination Regulations, Scholarship Regulations of MU, Terms of Scholarship Programmes of the Faculty of Science)
- Dissertations (Guidelines for dissertations, templates)
- Manuals (guidelines for Individual Study Plans, study and research obligations in DSP, etc.)
- Doctoral study programmes (recommended study plans, examination committees, overview of accredited programmes)
- Deadlines for the doctoral state examinations and defences
- Enrolment (information needed for the enrolment to the next semester)
- Graduation
but also office hours, contacts, news, information on skills development and scholarships.
Detailed information on stays abroad can be found on this website:
Career opportunities
Graduates of the Chemistry program according to their specialization field find employment at university departments, at institutes of Academy of Sciences, at various research institutes and control laboratories in private firms and government institutions. Further opportunities are found in chemical, pharmaceutical, electronic, and food industries, laboratories in the fields of environmental protection, health care, agriculture and biotechnology. They also find employment in areas of development and production of instrumentation and also in qualified sale and service. Graduates are flexible and easily adapt to various requirements of chemistry oriented companies and they are trained not only for professional careers in their specialization, but their wide-ranging education allows them to adjust easily for careers in other fields as well. By their work in research teams and by their educational work in bachelor and master degree programs, the doctoral students also cultivate their ability to lead younger colleagues. By that they acquire further essential experience for their expected professional role as the executives. Language skills, international contacts, and study stays abroad allows graduates to find employment also at foreign leading institutions.
Admission requirements
The admission interview is usually in an online form and consists of two parts:
1) expert interview – checking expertise background and motivation (max. 100 points),
2) Language part – check of communication skills in English, interview and expert discussion is in English (max. 100 points)
More information about admission process for international applicants in general can be found in the section Admission Process.
Date of the entrance exam
The applicants will receive information about the entrance exam by e-mail usually at least 10 days before the exam.
Please, always check your e-mails, including spam folders.
Conditions of admission
To be admitted, a candidate must obtain a total of at least 120 points out of 200, with at least 60 points in both parts.
Successful applicants are informed of their acceptance by e-mail and subsequently receive an invitation to the enrolment.
Programme capacity
The capacity of a given programme is not fixed; students are admitted based on a decision by the Doctoral Board after assessing their aptitude for study and motivation.
Study options
Single-subject studies with specialization
In the single-subject studies, the student deepens knowledge in the concrete focus of the degree programme and chooses one specialization. The specialization is stated in the university diploma.
Dissertation topics
Specialization: Analytical Chemistry
Acoustic Spectroscopy of Laser-Induced Plasma
Supervisor: doc. Mgr. Karel Novotný, Ph.D.
The acoustic signal associated with the plasma formation during the Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) will be studied. Investigation of the frequency spectrum of the acoustic signal during ablation of various materials as well as study concerning the shot-to-shot evolution of the laser-induced crater morphology and plasma emission lines will be the main topic of this work. The previous results confirm that the acoustic signal is well correlated with the target hardness/density and also can be used as an ablation rate indicator. Acoustic signal provides new information relative to the ablation process that is independent of the LIBS spectrum.
Applications of nanoparticles in mass spectrometry
Supervisor: prof. Mgr. Jan Preisler, Ph.D.
EXAMPLES of doctoral projects:
- Development of sample preparation protocol for specific detection of selected markers on sections of 3D cell aggregates, other tissues and substrates.
- Optimization of specific labelling with nanoparticles. The specificity will be based on antibody-antigen and avidin-biotin interactions, aptamer bindings, nucleic acid pairing etc.
- Development of nanoparticle detection schemes using inductively coupled plasma (ICP) and laser desorption/ionization (LDI) techniques.
- Study of nanoparticle transport efficiency in ICP MS. Confocal fluorescence and electron microscopy will be used as reference methods.
SERS detection in fluidic systems
Supervisor: Mgr. Anna Týčová, Ph.D.
Pushing limits of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) towards improved performance at fluidic conditions. The obtain achievements will significantly contribute to increased throughput of the method and its automatization. Additionally, they will pave the way for new opportunities to couple SERS with column separations.
EXAMPLES of doctoral projects:
* Acoustofluidic manipulation of silver nanoparticles in a capillary for formation a continuously refreshing SERS substrate
* Development of microfluidic system for simultaneous detection by SERS and mass spectrometry
* Synthesis of composite nanoparticles combining affinity and plasmonic properties
* Optimization of conditions for online SERS detection in microfluidic capillary electrophoresis
The experimental part of the work will be carried out at the Institute of Analytical Chemistry of CAS (Veveri 967/97, Brno).
Study of metal release from implants: Accumulation of metals in cell cultures by LA-ICP-MS
Supervisor: doc. Mgr. Tomáš Vaculovič, Ph.D.
During this thesis the research will be devoted the development of LA-ICP-MS for quantification of elemental maps. Emphasis will be placed in particular on biological samples. Different calibration procedures will be tested to select the most appropriate procedure for quantification. Moreover, improving of laser spot diameter will be optimized with respect to reach sufficient limit of detection and lateral resolution.
Specialization: Inorganic Chemistry
Charged silicon phosphates and phosphonates and their application in heterogeneous catalysis.
Supervisor: Mgr. Aleš Stýskalík, Ph.D.
1. Prepare a literature survey on charged molecular silicon phosphates and phosphonates.
2. Synthesize new charged compounds containing Si-O-P bonds.
3. Characterize the molecular compounds by appropriate methods.
4. Apply the prepared molecules in heterogeneous catalysis with a special focus on reaction between carbon dioxide and epoxides.
Molecular silicon phosphates and phosphonates and their application in porous materials synthesis
Supervisor: Mgr. Aleš Stýskalík, Ph.D.
1. Prepare a literature survey on molecular silicon phosphates and phosphonates.
2. Synthesize new molecular compounds containing Si-O-P bonds.
3. Characterize the prepared molecules with appropriate methods.
4. Apply the molecular compounds in the synthesis of porous silicophosphate and silicophosphonate materials.
Platinum and ruthenium coordination compounds for novel antitumor therapies
Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Radek Marek, Ph.D.
This project includes the synthesis of a series of mono and multinuclear, homo and heteroleptic metallocomplexes containing mono or polydentate ligands possessing hard or soft donor atoms. The molecular and supramolecular structures of compounds are characterized by using modern methods of NMR spectroscopy, ESI-MS, and ITC and biological activity is tested.
1) S. S. Paul et al. Revealing the effect of host–guest complementarity in supramolecular monofunctional platinum(ii) drugs. Inorg. Chem. Front. 2024, 11, 8510-8525.
2) M. Sojka et al. Supramolecular Coronation of Platinum(II) Complexes by Macrocycles: Structure, Relativistic DFT Calculations, and Biological Effects. Inorg. Chem. 2021, 60, 17911-17925.
3) M. Sojka et al. Locked and Loaded: Ruthenium(II)-Capped Cucurbit[n]Uril-Based Rotaxanes with Antimetastatic Properties. Inorg. Chem. 2019, 58, 10861-10870.
Synthesis of new molecular systems
Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Jiří Pinkas, Ph.D.
Specialization: Materials Chemistry
Materials containing bambusurils macrocycles
Supervisor: prof. Ing. Vladimír Šindelář, Ph.D.
Tato disertační práce se bude zabývat přípravou materiálů nesoucích makrocykly bambusurilu. Práce se bude skládat ze syntézy derivátů bambusurilu obsahujících funkční skupiny a jejich připojení k různým materiálům prostřednictvím kovalentních vazeb. Bude testována schopnost připravených materiálů odstraňovat anionty roztoků.
This doctoral thesis will deal with the preparation of materials bearing bambusuril macrocycles. This thesis will consist of the synthesis of bambusuril derivatives containing functional groups and their attachment to different materials through covalent bonds. The resulting materials will be tested for their potency to remove anions from their solutions.
Porous metallosilicates (M = Al, Sn, Zr, Ta) and their catalytic activity
Supervisor: Mgr. Aleš Stýskalík, Ph.D.
OBJECTIVES: These dissertation projects will explore new routes to porous materials based on metallosilicates. The synthetic procedures will be based on non-hydrolytic sol-gel reactions. Developed procedures will be optimized with respect to maximizing surface area and pore volume and controlling chemical composition and catalytic activity in topical catalytic reactions (e.g. ethanol dehydration, ethanol to butadiene conversion, etc.).
EXAMPLES of potential student doctoral projects:
- Synthesis of aluminosilicates for ethanol dehydration
- Synthesis of metallosilicates for conversion of ethanol to 1,3-butadiene
- Synthesis of metal nanoparticles deposited on porous supports for ethanol dehydrogenation
- Synthesis of silicophosphates for ethanol dehydration
Further information at:
Synthesis of porous materials by non-hydrolytic sol-gel methods
Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Jiří Pinkas, Ph.D.
Specialization: Organic Chemistry
Development of Smart Molecular Capsules
Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Radek Marek, Ph.D.
Low solubility, biostability, and inefficient targeting of otherwise highly promising active pharmaceutical ingredients are often the limiting factors for their final approval for clinical use. We are developing a methodology to suppress these deficiencies by introducing a novel family of biocompatible macrocyclic carriers. The work consists of three main tasks: 1) the synthesis of covalent molecular capsules, 2) using these in analytical studies of their supramolecular host-guest interactions with selected drug candidates, and 3) carrying out further synthetic modifications of the capsules in order to fine-tune their affinity, activity, targeting, and release of drugs, which are based on results of complementary biological studies.
Chemical synthesis and biological studies of natural products
Supervisor: doc. Mgr. Jakub Švenda, PhD.
For highlights of our current research, please visit
Identification of inhibitors of selected protein kinases
Supervisor: doc. Mgr. Kamil Paruch, Ph.D.
Student navrhne a provede syntézu nových organických sloučenin - potenciálních inhibitorů vybraných proteinových kináz. Nově připravené sloučeniny budou následně testovány ve spolupráci s interními a externími biologickými pracovišti.
Photochemical tools for targeted release and diagnostics of biologically relevant molecules
Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Petr Klán, Ph.D.
Our group focuses on the development and photophysical studies of novel photochemically active compounds and fluorophores, emphasizing the use of photochemistry to solve some interdisciplinary problems in chemistry, biology, physics, and environmental sciences. The prospective student will use organic synthesis and physico-chemical tools in the course of his/her studies. The (photo)reaction mechanisms will be investigated using state-of-the-art techniques, such as nanosecond laser flash or femtosecond pump-and-probe spectroscopies. Web page:
Synthesis of macrocyclic anion receptors and their applications in supramolecular chemistry
Supervisor: prof. Ing. Vladimír Šindelář, Ph.D.
Synthesis of new analogs of forskolin
Supervisor: doc. Mgr. Kamil Paruch, Ph.D.
Student připraví pomocí organické syntézy (sestávající z více než 15 lineárních kroků) nové syntetické analogy přírodní sloučeniny forskolinu. Tyto nově připravené sloučeniny budou následně testovány - zejména na jejich schopnost (selektivně) aktivovat jednotlivé isoformy adenylylcykláz.
Specialization: Physical Chemistry
Paramagnetic NMR spectroscopy assisted by DFT calculations: Supramolecular metallocomplexes
Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Radek Marek, Ph.D.
The presence of heavy metal atoms, open-shell character, conformational flexibility, and supramolecular interactions with binding partner must be carefully considered. Thus, the interpretation of NMR experiments requires synergy with various computational tools of quantum chemistry and molecular modelling. The general goal of this study is to apply developed methodology for the structure characterization of new metallocomplexes associated with various cavitands.
Selected references:
1) Novotny, J; Sojka, M; Komorovsky, S; Necas, M; Marek, R, 2016: Interpreting the Paramagnetic NMR Spectra of Potential Ru(III) Metallodrugs: Synergy between Experiment and Relativistic DFT Calculations. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 138(27), p. 8432-8445, DOI: 10.1021/jacs.6b02749.
2) Chyba, J; Novak, M; Munzarova, P; Novotny, J; Marek, R, 2018: Through-Space Paramagnetic NMR Effects in Host-Guest Complexes: Potential Ruthenium(III) Metallodrugs with Macrocyclic Carriers. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 57(15), p. 8735-8747, DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.7b03233.
3) Novotny, J; Prichystal, D; Sojka, M; Komorovsky, S; Necas, M; Marek, R, 2018: Hyperfine Effects in Ligand NMR: Paramagnetic Ru(III) Complexes with 3-Substituted Pyridines. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 57(2), p. 641-652, DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.7b02440.
4) Jeremias, L; Novotny, J; Repisky, M; Komorovsky, S; Marek, R, 2018: Interplay of Through-Bond Hyperfine and Substituent Effects on the NMR Chemical Shifts in Ru(III) Complexes. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 57(15), p. 8748-8759, DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.8b00073.
5) Bora, PL; Novotny, J; Ruud, K; Komorovsky, S; Marek, R, 2019: Electron-Spin Structure and Metal-Ligand Bonding in Open-Shell Systems from Relativistic EPR and NMR: A Case Study of Square-Planar Iridium Catalysts. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATION 15(1), p. 201-214, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.8b00914.
- doc. RNDr. Pavel Brož, Ph.D.
- prof. RNDr. Ing. Jaroslav Burda, DrSc.
- Ing. František Foret, DSc.
- prof. RNDr. Josef Havel, DrSc.
- doc. Mgr. Jan Havliš, Dr.
- doc. Mgr. Dominik Heger, Ph.D.
- prof. RNDr. Jan Hrbáč, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Aleš Hrdlička, Ph.D.
- Pia Yasmine Jurček, Ph.D.
- prof. RNDr. Viktor Kanický, DrSc.
- prof. RNDr. Petr Klán, Ph.D.
- Ing. Karel Klepárník, CSc.
- prof. RNDr. Josef Komárek, DrSc.
- RNDr. Pavel Kubáň, DSc.
- doc. RNDr. Petr Kubáň, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Karel Lacina, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Jana Lavická, Ph.D.
- prof. RNDr. Přemysl Lubal, Ph.D.
- prof. RNDr. Radek Marek, Ph.D.
- doc. RNDr. Ctibor Mazal, CSc.
- Mgr. Zdeněk Moravec, Ph.D.
- doc. Mgr. Markéta Munzarová, Dr. rer. nat.
- doc. Mgr. Marek Nečas, Ph.D.
- doc. Mgr. Karel Novotný, Ph.D.
- doc. Mgr. Kamil Paruch, Ph.D.
- doc. Mgr. Jana Pavlů, Ph.D.
- prof. RNDr. Jiří Pinkas, Ph.D.
- prof. Mgr. Jan Preisler, Ph.D.
- prof. RNDr. Jiří Sopoušek, CSc.
- Mgr. Aleš Stýskalík, Ph.D.
- prof. Ing. Vladimír Šindelář, Ph.D.
- prof. RNDr. Mojmír Šob, DrSc.
- doc. Mgr. Jakub Švenda, PhD.
- doc. Mgr. Petr Táborský, Ph.D.
- prof. RNDr. Libuše Trnková, CSc.
- doc. RNDr. Jiří Urban, Ph.D.
- doc. Mgr. Tomáš Vaculovič, Ph.D.
- doc. RNDr. Petr Vaňhara, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Michaela Vašinová Galiová, Ph.D.
Study information
Provided by | Faculty of Science | |
Type of studies | Doctoral | |
Mode | full-time | Yes |
combined | Yes | |
distance | No | |
Study options | single-subject studies | No |
single-subject studies with specialization | Yes | |
major/minor studies | No | |
Standard length of studies | 4 years | |
Language of instruction | English | |
Collaborating institutions |
Doctoral board and doctoral committees | ||
Tuition fees
The studies are subject to tuition, fees are paid per academic year |
€3,000 Find out more |