Animal physiology, immunology and developmental biology

Doctoral degree in full-time or combined form. The language of instruction is Czech.

The programme can be studied only as a single subject.

Application deadline depending on the admission procedure chosen (midnight 30 April 2025 or 15 December 2025)

What will you learn?

The aim of the program is to prepare top specialists in specific scientific fields developed within the Department of Animal Physiology and Immunology at the Institute of Experimental Biology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University. Graduates are prepared for further scientific careers at workplaces of basic or applied research at the international level, but also for possible employment in companies with a research background, in medical facilities and as professional lecturers.

The program focuses on the research formation of students in the rapidly developing fields of physiology, immunology and developmental biology. Students are trained to conduct research in the areas ranging from cellular to organ level to models of whole animal organisms from cells to humans. Modern molecular biology techniques and state-of-the-art imaging techniques are applied. The program covers research topics ranging from veterinary through biomedical applications to general basic research issues. In particular, the most represented topic is the research of cellular signaling, which is crucial for understanding the processes controlling embryonic development, tissue differentiation and regeneration, as well as processes of carcinogenesis or immune regulation. The program integrates methodological approaches of molecular biology, molecular embryology and cell biology with morphological and behavioral approaches.

The course is designed to motivate prospective students through checkpoints. A greater number of methodologically oriented courses, internships, and openness to contacts with biotechnology companies ensure interconnection with the practice of modern biological research. Emphasis is placed on using English as a basic tool for scientific work.

Students are motivated by the high professional quality of research in an open and friendly environment. The performance of individual students is appreciated both financially and, for example, through participation in prestigious international conferences.

Practical training

The program includes compulsory student practice at potential employers as a tool for establishing links with future employers.

Further information

The Office for Doctoral Studies, Quality, Academic Affairs and Internationalization takes care of doctoral students SCI MU

On the department's website, you can find the following information:

  • Forms (application forms for state examinations and defences, various applications, etc. )
  • Legislation (links to: MU Study and Examination Regulations, Scholarship Regulations of MU, Terms of Scholarship Programmes of the Faculty of Science)
  • Dissertations (Guidelines for dissertations, templates)
  • Manuals (guidelines for Individual Study Plans, study and research obligations in DSP, etc.)
  • Doctoral study programmes (recommended study plans, examination committees, overview of accredited programmes)
  • Deadlines for the doctoral state examinations and defences
  • Enrolment (information needed for the enrolment to the next semester)
  • Graduation

but also office hours, contacts, news, information on skills development and scholarships.

Detailed information on stays abroad can be found on this website:

Career opportunities

The program is designed to be comparable with high-quality foreign universities programmes and graduates work well at top research institutes, whether from academic or non-academic institutions. The director of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Key Manager of Roche Diagnostics, Postdoc at the Karolinska Institutet or the director of the embryological laboratory are examples of positions where our graduates found employment and refer for the program. Graduates of the doctoral study program are therefore entitled to carry out independent scientific and research activities in the field of basic and applied research, but they are also employed in management positions thanks to their language and managerial competencies. In a broader sense, they are prepared to carry out all activities related to scientific work; to deal with conceptual issues, scientific-organizational activities and teaching.

Admission requirements

Admission to Doctoral degree programmes in 2025/2026 (beginning: Autumn 2025)
— Submission deadline until midnight 30 Apr 2025

Admission procedure
Admission board checks the candidates' professional capacities in an entrance interview that is conducted in English. The candidates submit a structured CV and in the course of the interview, they will present a brief proposal of their PhD project, will define the anticipated outputs, and suggest a methodical procedure. Written plan of candidate's suggested research project is also mandatory and will be submitted to the board. Recommended length of the plan is two pages and the structure is as follows: Title, Name of applicant, Name of supervisor, Home institution, Synopsis, Aims, Methodology, Financial covering. In a discussion with the admission board and in the presence of their supervisor they have to demonstrate that their respective thesis topic is scientifically well-grounded and experimentally manageable. A necessary prerequisite for admission is a demonstrable capability of professional conversation in English. The sufficient financial coverage of the candidate's scientific project will be assessed by the admission board within the terms of the entrance interview and further within the terms of the PhD Workshop in the 3rd semester.
The admission board assesses the candidates’ knowledge and prerequisites for the independent scientific work (0-200 points) and the capability of communication in English (0-100 points).

Date of the entrance exam
The applicants will receive information about the entrance exam by e-mail usually at least 10 days before the exam.
Please, always check your e-mails, including spam folders.

Conditions of admission
To be admitted, the candidate must obtain at least 120 points in the professional and at least 60 points in the language part of the interview.
Successful applicants are informed of their acceptance by e-mail and subsequently receive an invitation to the enrolment.

Programme capacity
The capacity of a given programme is not fixed; students are admitted based on a decision by the Doctoral Board after assessing their aptitude for study and motivation.

International applicants for doctoral study (Czech and Slovak Republics applicants NOT included)
— Submission deadline until midnight 15 Dec 2025

Admission procedure
Admission board checks the candidates' professional capacities in an entrance interview that is conducted in English. The candidates submit a structured CV and in the course of the interview, they will present a brief proposal of their PhD project, will define the anticipated outputs, and suggest a methodical procedure. Written plan of candidate's suggested research project is also mandatory and will be submitted to the board. Recommended length of the plan is two pages and the structure is as follows: Title, Name of applicant, Name of supervisor, Home institution, Synopsis, Aims, Methodology, Financial covering. In a discussion with the admission board and in the presence of their supervisor they have to demonstrate that their respective thesis topic is scientifically well-grounded and experimentally manageable. A necessary prerequisite for admission is a demonstrable capability of professional conversation in English. The sufficient financial coverage of the candidate's scientific project will be assessed by the admission board within the terms of the entrance interview and further within the terms of the PhD Workshop in the 3rd semester.
The admission board assesses the candidates’ knowledge and prerequisites for the independent scientific work (0-200 points) and the capability of communication in English (0-100 points).

More information about admission process for international applicants in general can be found in the section Admission Process.

Date of the entrance exam
The applicants will receive information about the entrance exam by e-mail usually at least 10 days before the exam.
Please, always check your e-mails, including spam folders.

Conditions of admission
To be admitted, the candidate must obtain at least 120 points in the professional and at least 60 points in the language part of the interview.
Successful applicants are informed of their acceptance by e-mail and subsequently receive an invitation to the enrolment.

Programme capacity
The capacity of a given programme is not fixed; students are admitted based on a decision by the Doctoral Board after assessing their aptitude for study and motivation.


1 Jan – 30 Apr 2025

Submit your application during this period

Admission to Doctoral degree programmes in 2025/2026 (beginning: Autumn 2025)

2 Jan – 15 Dec 2025

Submit your application during this period

International applicants for doctoral study (Czech and Slovak Republics applicants NOT included)

Dissertation topics

Single-subject studies

Fate and action of hyaluronic acid applied to the skin wound
Supervisor: Mgr. Kristina Nešporová, Ph.D.

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a basic component of the intercellular mass and plays an important signaling and homeostatic role in the skin. This polysaccharide is also used during wound healing. In some cases (old age, diabetes, venous insufficiency, etc.) the wound healing process does not proceed optimally and non-healing wounds occur. HA is delivered in various material forms (solid covers, gels) to such wounds with the aim of promoting their healing. Although it is clear that HA aids in the closure of non-healing wounds, the mechanism or mechanisms involved are not fully understood. The aim of the research will therefore be to elucidate the fate of HA in the context of a chronic wound. Experimental work will include molecular biological, analytical and microscopic techniques. Work with in vivo and ex vivo material from wounds is planned. The work will take place remotely, mainly in the laboratories of the Contipro company (Ústí nad Orlicí).


Mgr. Kristina Nešporová, Ph.D.

Molecular and cellular processes deregulated during the developmental neurotoxicity induced by xenobiotics
Supervisor: RNDr. Miroslav Machala, CSc.

Vývojová neurotoxicita (z angl. developmental neurotoxicity) představuje až do nedávna velmi podceňovanou oblast toxikologie. Až nedávné studie prokazující spojitost mezi chronickou expozicí savců látkám znečišťujícím trvale naše životní prostředí (např. zpomalovače hoření či pesticidy a jiné polutanty) a zvýšenou incidencí neurologických poruch typu roztroušená skleróza, parkinsonismus či autismus poukázali na zásadní nedostatek buněčných modelů, které by umožnili rutinní testování xenobiotik a polutantů s ohledem na jejich DNT potenciál. Tématem této práce je proto zavedení metodologického panelu, který umožní stanovení relativních efektivních potenciálů (REP) vybraných suspektních neurotoxikantů a následné objasnění buněčných a molekulárních procesů, které stojí za jejich neurotoxicitou.


RNDr. Miroslav Machala, CSc.

Pathogens modulation of immune parameters on honey bees
Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Pavel Hyršl, Ph.D.

1. rok: V rámci programu Erasmus+ uskutečnit studijní pobyt na některé z partnerských univerzit. Začátek experimentů – odběry a zpracování vzorků. 2. rok: Zpracovat vzorky odebrané během řešení grantového projektu, vyzkoušet a optimalizovat různé metody stanovení imunitních parametrů u hmyzu. Prezentace první části výsledků. 3. rok: Zpracovat další vzorky, porovnání výsledků mezi několika modelovými organismy. Příprava manuskriptu pro publikaci. 4. rok: Celková prezentace výsledků. Předpokládá se spolupráce na dalších publikacích.


doc. RNDr. Pavel Hyršl, Ph.D.

Pathophysiology of Sprouty proteins and their association with ciliopathies
Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Marcela Buchtová, Ph.D.

Sprouty proteiny představují kontrolní mechanismus signalingu aktivovaných tyrosinkinázových receptorů, včetně FGF signální dráhy. U myší způsobuje delece Sprouty vývojové poruchy vedoucí k poškození sluchu, kraniofaciálním defektům, zpomalenému postnatálnímu růstu nebo jícnové achalázii a střevní pseudoobstrukci. Význam lidského genu Sprouty2 byl zaznamenán u nefropatie, thanatoforické dysplázie a v různých typech onkologických onemocnění. V poslední době se ukazuje, že syndromy podmíněné hyperaktivací signální dráhy růstových fibroblastových faktorů (FGF) a syndromy spojené s deregulovanou funkcí primárních cilií se projevují řadou společných fenotypů, kromě jiných také u kraniofaciálních a achondroplastických malformací. PhD projekt se zaměří na charakterizaci role Sprouty proteinů v průběhu skeletogeneze, vyhodnotíme vývojové defekty tkání a orgánů myšího modelu s deletovaným Sprouty2 a Sprouty 4, které se běžně vyskytují u ciliopatií a zanalyzujeme signální dráhy modulované primárními ciliemi v morfogenezi Sprouty deficientních myší.


prof. RNDr. Marcela Buchtová, Ph.D.

Prognostic and predictive markers of squamous cell carcinoma invasion in the oral cavity and oropharynx
Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Marcela Buchtová, Ph.D.

Karcinomy dutiny ústní a orofaryngu patří mezi deset nejčastěji se vyskytujících malignit v lidské populaci. Náš projekt je zaměřen na spinocelulární karcinom, který představuje v této oblasti nejfrekventovanější typ maligního onemocnění. Prognóza onemocnění zhoubným nádorem dutiny ústní a orofaryngu je dána především stupněm invazivity primárního tumoru a rozsahem metastatického postižení regionálních a vzdálených uzlin. Intenzita perineurální invaze koreluje s lokalizací nádoru, jeho rozsahem a přítomností uzlinových metastáz. PhD projekt bude zaměřen na determinaci klinicky relevantních somatických mutací u pacientů s perineurální invazí a na analýzu exprese raných molekulárních markerů perineurální invaze na rozhraní nádorové a okolní tkáně. Dále se zaměří na analýzu úlohy primárních cilií a Sonic Hedgehog dráhy v buňkách spinocelulárního karcinomu a vliv modifikované SHH signalizace na jejich perineurální invazi.


prof. RNDr. Marcela Buchtová, Ph.D.

Role of LGR5-positive stem cells in odontogenesis
Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Marcela Buchtová, Ph.D.

Náhradní zubní generace se u obratlovců vyvíjejí ze zubní lišty. Doba trvání a morfologie zubní lišty se mezidruhově liší v závislosti na tom kolik generací zubů je iniciováno během života jedince. PhD projekt se zaměří na analýzu lokalizace LGR5-pozitivních progenitorových buněk během odontogeneze a jejich osudu. Dále bude sledovat expresní profil LGR5-pozitivních buněk a signalizaci kontrolující formování zubní lišty. S využitím experimentálních přístupů zaměřených na zvýšení či snížení WNT signalizace bude provedena analýza úlohy této dráhy v iniciaci náhradní zubní lišty. Tato studie regulace zachování progenitorových buněk v zubní liště povede k odhalení procesů, které jsou podkladem druhově specifického potenciálu formování daného počtu generací zubů, jakož i patologických stavů u člověka, kde je tvorba náhradní dentice narušena.


prof. RNDr. Marcela Buchtová, Ph.D.

The impacts of magnetic fields on animal biological clock.
Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Martin Vácha, Ph.D.

Zjistili jsme, že vnitřní hodiny hmyzu jsou ovlivnitelné slabými magnetickými a elektromagnetickými poli, která se vyskytují zejména v blízkosti technických zařízení. Správný cirkadiánní rytmus je přitom v pozadí mnoha funkcí organismu a jeho poruchy vedou k řadě chorob. Projekt se bude věnovat zcela novému oboru studia kombinujícímu výzkum cirkadiánní rytmicity zvířat s výzkumem citlivosti biologických systémů na slabá magnetická pole. Pole těchto parametrů obklopují technická zařízení a mohou mít environmentální i zdravotní dopady. Experimentální část práce bude postavena na technikách behaviorálních a molekulárně biologických. Na hmyzích a savčích modelech má ukázat, jaká je citlivost tohoto jevu a jaký je jeho mechanismus a podstata.


doc. RNDr. Martin Vácha, Ph.D.

The mechanisms of chemically induced tumor progression in lung and bronchial cellular models - the role of exosomes
Supervisor: RNDr. Miroslav Machala, CSc.

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) such as benzo/a/pyrene (BaP) and persistent dioxin-like compounds (DLCs) such as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) belong among the most important airborne and foodborne environmental toxicants, and the lungs represent one of their major target organs. However, in spite of many in vivo and in vitro studies, the mechanisms of toxicity and carcinogenicity of PAHs and DLCs in respiratory system are insufficiently characterized. Chronic exposure to PAHs contributes to genotoxicity and to the development of (non-genotoxic) “dioxin-like“ toxicity via activation of aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR), including promotion/progression of lung cancer. Chemically-induced carcinogenesis involves numerous strategies recruited by transformed cells, which allow them to survive and to obtain adaptive advantages over the normal cells. A comprehensive evaluation of changes in gene expression, cell population parameters (such as cell cycle and proliferation), formation and release of extracellular vesicles will allow us to compare impact of PAHs and DLCs on normal and transformed airway cells and to identify novel suitable biomarkers of dioxin-like toxicity and/or AhR-dependent genotoxicity.

  • investigation of changes in gene expression, phenotype and function of HBEC models during their transformation induced by TCDD, BaP or other PAHs or complex extract of airborne particles and estimation of relative effective potencies in selected in vitro models/parameters;
  • characterization of extracellular vesicles produced by normal and chemically transformed cells.

cell growth and maintenance, cytokinetic parameters, migration/invasion assays, cell morphology visualisation, detection of EMT- and cell transformation-related gene expression and protein expression (cell culturing, flow cytometry, fluorescent microscopy, Western blotting, qRT-PCR, ultracentrifugation and other molecular biological, biochemical and cytological methods).
Experimental work will be performed at the Veterinary Research Institute, Brno


RNDr. Miroslav Machala, CSc.

The trade-offs in longevity and immunity in worker honey bees, Apis mellifera
Supervisor: Mgr. Pavel Dobeš, Ph.D.

This project aims to acquire information about redox homeostasis in honey bees with emphasis on how it is affected by Varroa destructor and other bee pathogens infection, how it differs seasonally, and how it is modified in long-living winter bees. Antioxidant system components, both enzymatic and non-enzymatic, as well as hemocytes and other immune system components participating in response to pathogens and maintenance of homeostasis, will be thoroughly examined using a complex methodological approach that will also allow the assessment of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species production, among other parameters.


Mgr. Pavel Dobeš, Ph.D.

Úloha Trop2 ve vzájemném působení nádorových a imunitních buněk a metastazování.
Supervisor: doc. Mgr. Karel Souček, Ph.D.

The upregulation of Trop2 in tumor and immune cells during inflammation is a key factor driving the crosstalk between tumor cells and immune cells in the tumor microenvironment. This perpetuates the cycle of chronic inflammation and promotes cancer progression.
Rationale: The tumor microenvironment (TME) plays a critical role in cancer progression, invasion, and metastasis. In particular, the crosstalk between tumor cells and immune cells in the TME has been shown to influence cancer progression and response to therapy. Trop2 has been implicated in promoting tumor growth and metastasis, but its role in the crosstalk between tumor cells and immune cells in the TME is poorly understood.
The main aim of this thesis is to provide a clear answer to how Trop2 in tumor cells influences the TME through modulation of infiltrating immune cell populations and what the role of Trop2 expression in non-cancer cell populations is in disease progression and TME composition.


doc. Mgr. Karel Souček, Ph.D.

Study information

Provided by Faculty of Science
Type of studies Doctoral
Mode full-time Yes
combined Yes
distance No
Study options single-subject studies Yes
single-subject studies with specialization No
major/minor studies No
Standard length of studies 4 years
Language of instruction Czech
Collaborating institutions
  • The Czech Academy of Sciences
  • Biofyzikální ústav AV ČR
  • Ústav biologie obratlovců AV ČR
Doctoral board and doctoral committees

Do you have any questions?
Send us an e-mail to

prof. Mgr. Vítězslav Bryja, Ph.D.



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