Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs of the Faculty of Science MU 9/2022
Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs of the Faculty of Science MU 6/2022
Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs of the Faculty of Science MU 4/2022
Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs of the Faculty of Science MU CZ
Reminder: Principal Investigator Seminar 24 September
We are reminding you about the first Principal Investigator Seminar of the Autumn semester, Evolution of Morphogenesis by Pavel Tomančák (Director of the CEITEC Consortium), Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics & CEITEC. WHEN: Friday, 24 September, at 13:00 WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 205 Best regards, CEITEC MU Communication Department
Events of the Week 20–27 September
Jun–Dec #CEITEC10 Celebrations WHERE: Hybrid format Jun–Dec City Game #CEITEC10 WHERE: Brno Sep 20–21 Mon–Tue PhD Retreat 2021 WHERE: Online Sep 21 Tue Molecular Medicine Seminar Series TOPIC: The New Machines Involved in the Formation of 3' termini of Eukaryotic mRNAs SPEAKER: Veronika Rájecká WHERE: CEITEC MU, Building E35, Room 211 WHEN: 9:30 Sep 21 Tue Mendel Centre Seminar Series TOPIC: The Curious Case of Ethylene Signaling Paths/The Role of Cytokinin-mediated Control over Ethylene Biosynthesis in the Plant Growth and Development SPEAKERS: Abigail Cuyacot & Amel Yamoune WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 205 WHEN: 14:00–15:00 Sep 23–24 Thu–Fri 2nd Postdoc Retreat WHERE: Online Sep 23 Thu Life Sciences Seminar Series TOPIC: Mechanisms of Longevity, from Naked Mole Rats to Bowhead Whales SPEAKER: Vera Gorbunova WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 132 WHEN: 16:00 Sep 24 Fri Researchers' Night WHERE: Online Sep 26 Sun Future Gate Sci-fi Film Festival In Silico WHERE: Brno Observatory and Planetarium WHEN: 13:30–15:30 Sep 27–28 Mon–Tue ORION Open Science WHERE: Online WHEN: 10:00–13:00 The CALL FOR NOMINATIONS for Life Sciences Seminar Series (contact & Mendel Lectures (contact is open until 15 October. Save the Date: * Literary Challenge: Scientific Story or Fairy Tale, 30 September * Open Your Eyes: Unconscious Bias in Research Organisations, 1 October * Live CODIM Affordable Super Resolution (SR) Solution for Live Imaging, with Extremely Low Phototoxicity, 5 October * Workshop Correlative Materials Characterization, 7 October * Planting an Annual Tree in the Open Garden, 10 October * RGL (Research Group Leader) Retreat 2021, 11–13 October * EMBO Workshop: Advances and Challenges in Biomolecular Simulations, 18–21 October * CF Day Meeting, 21 October * Funding Landscapes, 11 November * How to Write a Competitive Proposal?, 12 November * Mendel Lectures: Wnt/Frizzled Planar Cell Polarity Signaling in Development and Disease, 18 November * Applied Research Funding Landscapes, 25 November * Mendel Lectures: Role of the Antigen Receptor in Normal and Malignant B Cell Development, 25 November
Events of the Week 13–20 September
Jun–Dec #CEITEC10 Celebrations WHERE: Hybrid format Jun–Dec City Game #CEITEC10 WHERE: Brno Sep 14 Tue MSCA-PF Sharing & Feedback Workshop WHERE: Kamenice 34, INBIT, Room 1.11 WHEN: 9:00–16:00 Sep 14 Tue Mendel Centre Seminars TOPIC: The Curious Case of Ethylene Signaling Paths/The Role of Cytokinin-mediated Control over Ethylene Biosynthesis in the Plant Growth and Development SPEAKER: Abigail Cuyacot & Amel Yamoune WHERE: CEITEC MU, Building B11, Room 205 WHEN: 14:00–15:00 Sep 14–15 Tue–Wed The Czech Plant Nucleus Workshop WHERE: Olomouc, Pevnost poznání Sep 14–18 Tue–Sat International Research Interdisciplinary School IRIS WHERE: Online Sep 15 Wed GAMU 2022 Open Calls WHEN: 9:00–14:00 Sep 16 Thu RICAIP Seminar Series Industry 4.0 & Smart City and Smart Regions WHERE: Online & CEITEC BUT WHEN: 8:30–11:30 Sep 16 Thu CEITEC MU Welcome & Info PhD Day 2021 WHERE: Online & CEITEC MU, Building E35, Room 145 WHEN: 9:00–11:00 Sep 16 Thu Tea Time Special CEITEC MU Welcome & Info PhD Day 2021 WHERE: CEITEC MU, Building E35, Atrium WHEN: 14:30–15:30 Sep 16 Thu Mendel Lectures TOPIC: Rise of the Micromachines: Biology on the Small Scale SPEAKER: Andrew deMello WHERE: Mendlovo namesti 1a, Augustinian Abbey, Mendel's refectory WHEN: 17:00 Sep 20–21 Mon–Tue PhD Retreat 2021 WHERE: Online The CALL FOR NOMINATIONS for Life Sciences Seminar Series (contact & Mendel Lectures (contact is open until 15 October. Save the Date: * 2nd Postdoc Retreat, 23–24 September * Researchers' Night, 24 September * ORION Open Science, 27–28 September * Literary Challenge: Scientific Story or Fairy Tale, 30 September * Open Your Eyes: Unconscious Bias in Research Organisations, 1 October * Live CODIM Affordable Super Resolution (SR) Solution for Live Imaging, with Extremely Low Phototoxicity, 5 October * Workshop Correlative Materials Characterization, 7 October * Planting an Annual Tree in the Open Garden, 10 October * EMBO Workshop: Advances and Challenges in Biomolecular Simulations, 18–21 October * Funding Landscapes, 11 November * How to Write a Competitive Proposal?, 12 November * Mendel Lectures: Wnt/Frizzled Planar Cell Polarity Signaling in Development and Disease, 18 November * Applied Research Funding Landscapes, 25 November * Mendel Lectures: Role of the Antigen Receptor in Normal and Malignant B Cell Development, 25 November
Events of the Week 6–13 September
Jun–Dec #CEITEC10 Celebrations WHERE: Hybrid format Jun–Dec City Game #CEITEC10 WHERE: Brno Sep 6–7 Mon–Tue Biologické dny 2021 Od savčí vývojové biologie po reprodukční medicínu WHERE: University Campus Sep 6–9 Mon–Thu Biochemik Junior Biochemický výzkum pro nadané studenty SŠ WHERE: University Campus, Department of Biochemistry Sep 6–10 Mon–Fri RNA Summer School 2021 WHERE: Hybrid format WHEN: 9:00–16:00 Sep 8–9 Wed–Thu BioSAXS Practical Course 2021 WHERE: University Campus, Building B09, Room 316 Sep 9 Thu REGON – září 2021 WHEN: 15:00–17:00 Save the Date: * MSCA-PF Sharing & Feedback Workshop, 14 September * The Czech Plant Nucleus Workshop, 14–15 September * International Research Interdisciplinary School IRIS, 14–18 September * GAMU 2022 Open Calls, 15 September * CEITEC MU Welcome & Info PhD Day 2021, 16 September * Tea Time Special: CEITEC MU Welcome & Info PhD Day 2021, 16 September * PhD Retreat 2021, 20–21 September * 2nd Postdoc Retreat, 23–24 September * Researchers' Night, 24 September * ORION Open Science, 27–28 September * Literary Challenge: Scientific Story or Fairy Tale, 30 September * Open Your Eyes: Unconscious Bias in Research Organisations, 1 October * Live CODIM Affordable Super Resolution (SR) Solution for Live Imaging, with Extremely Low Phototoxicity, 5 October * Workshop Correlative Materials Characterization, 7 October * Planting an Annual Tree in the Open Garden, 10 October * EMBO Workshop: Advances and Challenges in Biomolecular Simulations, 18–21 October * Funding Landscapes, 11 November * How to Write a Competitive Proposal?, 12 November * Applied Research Funding Landscapes, 25 November
Events of the Week 30 August– 6 September
Jun–Dec #CEITEC10 Celebrations WHERE: Hybrid Jun–Dec City Game #CEITEC10 WHERE: Brno Sep 1 Wed Life After PhD with Eva Hollenbach WHERE: Online WHEN: 14:00–15:30 Sep 6–7 Mon–Tue Biologické dny 2021 – Od savčí vývojové biologie po reprodukční medicínu WHERE: University Campus Sep 6–10 Mon–Fri RNA Summer School 2021 WHERE: University Campus WHEN: 9:00–16:00 Save the Date: * BioSAXS Practical Course 2021, 8–9 September * REGON – září 2021, 9 September * The Czech Plant Nucleus Workshop, 14–15 September * CEITEC MU Welcome & Info PhD Day 2021, 16 September * Tea Time Special: CEITEC MU Welcome & Info PhD Day 2021, 16 September * PhD Retreat 2021, 20–21 September * 2nd Postdoc Retreat, 23–24 September * Researchers' Night, 24 September * ORION Open Science, 27–28 September * Submission Deadline: Literární výzva aneb Vědecký příběh nebo pohádka, 30 September * Open Your Eyes: Unconscious Bias in Research Organisations, 1 October * Live CODIM Affordable Super Resolution (SR) Solution for Live Imaging, with Extremely Low Phototoxicity, 5 October * Workshop Correlative Materials Characterization, 7 October * Planting an Annual Tree in the Open Garden, 10 October * EMBO Workshop: Advances and Challenges in Biomolecular Simulations, 18–21 October * Funding Landscapes, 11 November * How to Write a Competitive Proposal?, 12 November * Applied Research Funding Landscapes, 25 November
Events of the Week 5–12 July
We wish you a pleasant summertime and a nice holiday! Events of the Week will be back in September. Jun–Dec #CEITEC10 Celebrations WHERE: Hybrid Jun–Dec City Game #CEITEC10 WHERE: Brno Save the Date: * In Situ Microscopy: Key to Fundamental Understanding of Materials Phenomena, 15–16 July * Information Seminar on MSCA-DN, 15 July * Mendel Festival, 23–25 July * INASCON 2021, 26–27 July * CEITEC Student Talent - Letní škola 2021, 2–4 August * Voting: Art Contest for Children's Day ('At Work for CEITEC'), 15 August * RNA Summer School 2021, 6–10 September * Biologické dny 2021 – Od savčí vývojové biologie po reprodukční medicínu, 6–7 September * The Czech Plant Nucleus Workshop, 14–15 September * Researchers' Night, 24 September * Submission Deadline: Literární výzva aneb Vědecký příběh nebo pohádka, 30 September * EMBO Workshop: Advances and Challenges in Biomolecular Simulations, 18–21 October * Funding Landscapes, 11 November * How to Write a Competitive Proposal?, 12 November * Applied Research Funding Landscapes, 25 November
Events of the Week 28 June – 5 July
Jun–Dec #CEITEC10 Celebrations WHERE: Hybrid 7 Jun – 4 Jul Running Challenge #CEITEC10 WHERE: Online Jul 1 Thu INC Workshop Role of SMC Complexes in Chromatin Organization Seen via Hi-C Approaches WHERE: Online WHEN: 14:30–17:30 Save the Date: * In Situ Microscopy: Key to Fundamental Understanding of Materials Phenomena, 14–15 July * Information Seminar on MSCA-DN, 15 July * INASCON 2021, 26–27 July * CEITEC Student Talent - Letní škola 2021, 2–4 August * Voting: Art Contest for Children's Day ('At Work for CEITEC'), 15 August * RNA Summer School 2021, 6–10 September * The Czech Plant Nucleus Workshop, 14–15 September * Submission Deadline: Literární výzva aneb Vědecký příběh nebo pohádka, 30 September * How to Write a Competitive Proposal?, 15 October * EMBO Workshop: Advances and Challenges in Biomolecular Simulations, 18–21 October * Funding Landscapes, 11 November * Applied Research Funding Landscapes, 25 November
Events of the Week 21–28 June
Jun–Dec #CEITEC10 Celebrations WHERE: Hybrid 7 Jun – 4 Jul Running Challenge #CEITEC10 WHERE: Online Jun 15–24 Tue–Thu #CEITEC10 Celebrations Balls in Brno Astronomical Clock WHERE: nám. Svobody WHEN: every day at 11:00 Jun 22 Tue Same, but Different? The Role of Sex and Gender in Health Research WHERE: Online WHEN: 9:45–15:00 Jun 22–23 Tue–Wed Surface Science of Metal Oxides – Concepts, Methods, and Latest Results SPEAKER: Ulrike Diebold WHERE: Online WHEN: 10:30–12:00 Jun 22 Tue Watch, Drink & Science TOPIC: Stres: (Ne)žádoucí reakce našeho těla? SPEAKER: Julie Dobrovolná WHERE: Online WHEN: 19:00–20:30 Jun 23–24 Wed–Thu Conference DidSci+ 2021 WHERE: Online Jun 23–24 Wed–Thu European Research and Innovation Days WHERE: Online WHEN: 9:00 Jun 23 Wed Life After PhD with Anzer Khan WHERE: Online WHEN: 14:00–15:30 Jun 24 Thu Current Education Offer WHERE: Online WHEN: 14:00 Jun 25 Fri ELIXIR CZ Friday Coffee 2021 TOPIC: PrankWeb SPEAKER: Marian Novotný WHERE: Online WHEN: 9:30–10:00 Save the Date: * Information Seminar on MSCA-DN, 15 July * INASCON 2021, 26–27 July * The Czech Plant Nucleus Workshop, 14–15 September * Submission Deadline: Literární výzva aneb Vědecký příběh nebo pohádka, 30 September * How to Write a Competitive Proposal?, 15 October * EMBO Workshop: Advances and Challenges in Biomolecular Simulations, 18–21 October * Funding Landscapes, 11 November * Applied Research Funding Landscapes, 25 November