Are you finishing your Ph.D. at the Faculty of Science MUNI? Are you considering a future career in science?
If you decide to continue working in science or research after completing your doctorate, you can do so at a university, a non-university research institute or a company that engages in research and development (R&D). They all offer attractive positions for international junior researchers.
Check bellow the important information and recommendations that will help you in decision making and taking proactive steps towards your successful future research career.
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- If you consider staying in research and science as your future career, you should – after finishing your Ph.D. – seek opportunities outside your Alma Mater, preferentially at an institution abroad.
- This necessary move to another research place provides you with a unique added value: new expertise, sets of practical, professional and language skills, and the ability to adapt to different working conditions and cultures.
- Diverse skills gained during your Ph.D. studies and follow up Post Doc stays at different places will be highly valued by all future employers when you start considering further career opportunities.
- Post Doc experience is the must for future academic positions (which are often highly competitive and generally limited in number), but it is the main advantage for any other career options you may consider in the future.
- Ultimately, Post Doc experience helps you to define your own hypotheses and questions for your future independent research. If you are interested in a research career, you must go for Post Doc!
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- Being a Post Doc is a way to continue in doing something you love within the expertise in the subject area that you learned during Ph.D. studies.
- Post Doc experience typically includes working at two or more different places – institutions, research groups – during a period of up to 6 years after finishing a Ph.D.
- During Post Doc, you will also explore various funding opportunities. You will learn which grant agencies and research fund providers may help you to establish your own independent research.
- You will get practical “hands-on” experience in planning, preparation and submitting of grants, where you will be expected to apply for various scholarships, internship grants, projects, and etc.
Examples of Post Doc programmes in abroad
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Through Ph.D. studies and Post Doc you not only learn new skills but these experiences open new attractive options for your further professional career.
The path to a Professorship
- Different routes lead to a university professorship. In addition to the still standard habilitation process, there are now other recognised ways of qualifying for appointment as a professor.
- Future professor positions will be very limited in number, they will become more and more competitive, and successful candidates will need to demonstrate outstanding research profile, international experiences as well as independence in terms of attracting external funding
- Completing a series of Post Docs abroad is a necessary pre-requisite for this career choice.
Junior Professor
- Junior professorships enable Post Docs not only to engage in independent research and teaching early on, but also to assume responsibility and qualify for lectureship or future professorship at a university.
- As a rule, junior professors are appointed by universities, sometimes jointly with non-university research institutes.
- International Post Doc experience is commonly required pre-requisite.
Junior Research Group Leader
- Working as a junior research group leader at a university or non-university research institute does not only provide an experience of managing a research team and conducting your own research project work; it also offers an opportunity to work independently and take responsibility for staffing and budgets.
- International Post Doc experience is commonly required pre-requisite.
Researcher in Industry
- Do you enjoy a challenge and finding solutions to practical problems? A leadership position in research and development at an innovative company offers a wide range of interesting responsibilities.
Research stays and visits and international collaborations
- A research stay or visit will not only enable you to establish first contacts abroad and gain an understanding of various research and higher education systems; it can also make it easier to decide on your further career.
- Carrying out your own research idea with an international partner broadens horizons and enables new experiences. Universities, non-university research institutes, and companies are excellent cooperation partners.
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There are various agencies that provide funding for research projects. Such funding usually covers personnel, travel and material costs. Since the requirements of the different agencies vary greatly, you are advised to keep in mind the aims of your project when selecting a funding agency for application and to check to what extent the agency’s aim in providing funding is related to the aims of your research project. Careful consideration of the conditions imposed by the funding agency to which you have decided to apply is essential.
Funding programmes - research abroad PostDoc
Some funding programmes that may help you to finance a research stay abroad during your Post Doc.
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions [EU-H2020]
- Fulbright Scholarship for scientists
- Programmes for scientists who want to do research in Germany [Humboldt Foundation]
- EMBO Short-Term Fellowships [EMBO]
- EMBO Long-Term Fellowships [EMBO]
- EMBO Courses & Workshops, Travel Grants [EMBO]
- ERC Starting Grant [EU]
- EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020
- Other examples for Post Doc funding schemes: BOKU University Vienna, Ghent University, University of Antwerp.
Funding programmes – CZ
Following tips may help you to look for jobs in research: