Total number of publications: 149
Interakce iontů kovů s imobilizovanou DNázou I
VI. Pracovní setkání biochemiků a molekulárních biologů, year: 2002
Model of chromosome structure in interphase nuclei of human lymphocytes.
Year: 2002, type: Requested lectures
Repeated fluorescence in situ hybridization and its applications in human genome studies.
Year: 2002, type: Conference abstract
Spatial Arrangement of Chromosome 17 Territory in the Interphase Nucleus of Human Lymphocytes
Biophysics of the genome and its interactions, year: 2002
Structure of the human genome: Experimental results and models
Biophysics of the genome and its interactions, year: 2002
The 3D structure of human chromosomes in cell nuclei
Chromosome Research, year: 2002, volume: 10, edition: 7
Topography of Dystrophin Exons Relative to the Cell Nucleus and to the Active and Inactive Chromosome X Territory Determined for Human Lymphocytes
Biophysics of the genome and its interactions, year: 2002
Topography of genetic elements of X-chromosome relative to the cell nucleus and to the chromosome X territory determined for human lymphocytes
Gene, year: 2002, volume: 292, edition: 1
Topography of genetic elements of X-chromosome relative to the cell nucleus and to the chromosome X territory determined for human lymphocytes.
Year: 2002, type: Conference abstract
An application of modern diagnostics methods in studies of etiology of severe neuromuscular inherited diseases.
Year: 2001, type: Conference abstract