Total number of publications: 149
Application of fluorescent quantitative PCR methods in prenatal diagnostic (Uplatnění fluorescenční kvantitativní PCR v prenatální diagnostice).
Year: 2001, type: Conference abstract
Exchange aberrations among 11 chromosomes of human lymphocytes induced by gamma-rays.
Year: 2001, type: Conference abstract
Induction of chronic myeloid leukemia by ionizing radiation: experimental basis for risk estimation.
Year: 2001, type: Conference abstract
Methodological Possibilities for the Determination of the Number of CTG/CAG Repeats in Triplet Repeat Units of the Human Genome by the Means of Laser Induced Fluorescence.
Year: 2001, type: Requested lectures
Myotonická dystrofie a trinukleotidové expanze
Informační listy Genetické společnosti Gregora Mendela, year: 2001, edition: 23
Possibilities of LIF in prenatal diagnosis.
Year: 2001, type: Conference abstract
Spatial structure of chromosome 17 territory in the interphase nucleus of human lymphocytes.
Year: 2001, type: Conference abstract
Structure of the human genome: Experimental results and models.
Year: 2001, type: Conference abstract
Topography of dystrophin exons relative to the cell nucleus and to the active and inactive chromosome X territory determined for human lymphocytes.
Year: 2001, type: Conference abstract
Use of New Modified PCR-based Methods for Rapid Differential Diagnostics of Myotonic Dystrophy.
Year: 2001, type: Conference abstract